Last updated on July 6th, 2023 at 03:46 pm
We are all aware of the dangers associated with driving while under the influence. However, falling asleep behind the wheel is just as much of a concern and it can have serious or even fatal results. You might therefore be surprised to learn that one in eight drivers throughout the United Kingdom has admitted to dozing off while driving (1).

While this might simply be the result of a long day at the office or a poor night of sleep, there may be another reason. We need to take into account those individuals who have obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).
What are some major concerns — and how can the use of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine keep you safe while out and about?
The Dangerous Consequences: More Than Meets the Eye
The DVLA takes this situation very seriously. If you happen to be stopped by a law enforcement officer due to reckless movements while on the motorway, you very well could receive a ticket as well as a hefty fine. Repeat offences may lead to the suspension or even the revocation of your licence. However, this is really only the beginning.
It has been estimated that a condition known as driver fatigue (“nodding off” or falling asleep completely) may account for 20 per cent or more of all motorway accidents within the United Kingdom (2).
While such situations are more common during the late evening hours, those who may have been diagnosed with OSA could very well experience the same situations at any time. The most dangerous aspect is that the majority of drivers will not be aware of the risks until it is already too late.
However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your CPAP device will provide you with a means to obtain a sound night’s sleep as well as an improved sense of well-being throughout the day. Let us now take a look at how this machine operates as well as some of its undeniable benefits before moving on to how it will impact your health as a whole.
A Look at the Intention Behind Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
Those who suffer from OSA are not able to get the proper amount of oxygen while sleeping. This is primarily the result of narrowing airways within the throat and chest. Loud snoring is quite common and many will wake up gasping for air. This is obviously not conducive to obtaining quality sleep and naturally, the negative effects will add up over time.
A CPAP machine consists of a mask that is supplied with a source of pressurised air. This forces your airways to remain open in the evening. Your body will obtain the proper amount of oxygen and as a result, the chances of awakening are much lower.
The good news about this type of apparatus is that it is very easy to work with and once you have become accustomed to its presence, it will become part of your normal sleep routine.
Besides the machine which is used to generate pressurised air, you will wear a face mask attached to a hose. This mask can be adjusted to suit various dimensions and its lightweight nature will help you stay comfortable.
However, the real benefits of this practice can be seen during your waking hours.
Alert, Responsive and Focused
It is a well-known fact that those who do not receive the proper amount of sleep will exhibit feelings of grogginess and slower reflex times during the way.
This is obviously extremely dangerous for those who are operating a motor vehicle, as their responses will be delayed. And it’s especially dangerous if they begin to skid along the motorway or they are forced to brake due to the presence of another car only a short distance away.
The use of a CPAP apparatus will ensure that your body and your mind obtain the optimal amount of rest. Not only will you be able to drive for longer periods of time, but you can remain alert and attentive in order to ensure safety along the way.
Becoming Accustomed to the Unit Itself
Some individuals may be hesitant to adopt this lifestyle change due to the fact that the machine may be uncomfortable or they have difficulty relaxing while wearing the mask. Like any other type of healthy habit, the key is commitment.
When you commit to using the CPAP machine, it will become part of your normal evening routine. Thus, you will become more acclimated to its presence over time.
Many experts recommend wearing the mask during the day while resting or in the evening when watching television before heading off to bed. This will help you become more comfortable wearing it. Once again, this is a great way to “train” your body to accept the presence of the device when sleeping.
Some individuals may find that the air emitted from the machine is too dry. This can cause minor issues such as stuffy noses and sore throats. The good news is that it is possible to obtain a humidifier attachment. This will help to provide an additional level of comfort and as a result, obtaining quality sleep can become a reality.
The Immense Health Benefits of Responsibly Dealing with OSA
Those who have been recently diagnosed with OSA might be slightly hesitant to begin therapy. However, there is no time better than the present to make this powerful lifestyle change.
Those who do not obtain the proper amount of sleep are prone to mental issues such as anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and depression. Not only can these impact your personal life, but they may also negatively affect your professional career. It just so happens that these very same emotional states can lead to physical problems such as weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle.
Obstructive sleep apnoea has been associated with multiple serious health problems that should never be taken lightly. Studies have shown that those with this condition are more likely to have high blood pressure and they are also at a higher risk of developing heart issues over time.
OSA has even been linked to heart attacks, strokes and type 2 diabetes. These life-threatening conditions can have far-reaching impact and the best way to prevent such occurrences is to take the appropriate steps.
Taking a Proactive Stance
We are all aware that OSA will not rectify itself without the help of modern technology and qualified therapists. This is why becoming accustomed to the presence and use of your CPAP is an important first step to take.
If you are concerned about operating a motor vehicle while tired or otherwise inattentive, this is even more of a reason to make this lifestyle change.
You now have more control over this condition than ever before and positive results could very well be just around the corner.
To order the At-Home Sleep Test click here
To shop for the highest-quality selection of CPAP devices click here