Confirm If You Have The Respiratory Disorder – Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Last updated on July 7th, 2023 at 10:01 am

If you believe you might be at risk of OSA, you can use our online symptom guide to determine whether you need to take a sleep study or not. If symptoms are confirmed, you can conduct a sleep study either through the NHS or privately.

Sleep can be one of the most essential parts of human living. A lack of sleep can be detrimental to our health as well as making us feel irritated and drowsy. Poor sleep can ultimately impact our overall quality of life; affecting our careers, relationships and self happiness. Use the symptom checker below to confirm your symptoms of OSA. If you do suffer from any of the symptoms listed, it is advisable that you talk to your GP or find a private sleep study provider to conduct a sleep study and confirm your diagnosis.

Diagnose sleep apnea – Symptom Checker

  • Loud chronic snoring
  • Choking for air while asleep
  • Experiencing pauses to your breath during sleep
  • Feeling tired throughout the day, even after several hours of (bad quality) sleep
  • Feeling anxious before sleep
  • Waking up with morning headaches
  • Experiencing a dry mouth or sore throat in the mornings
  • Awakening during the night to urinate
  • Finding it hard to concentrate on anything throughout the day
  • Experiencing memory loss or having trouble learning
  • Feeling tired and grouchy throughout the day
  • Increased feelings of being depressed

How to prevent sleep apnea if you are more at risk of having it

Sleep apnea can affect almost anyone including young children, an elder generation whether male or female. Certain factors might put you more at risk of having sleep obstructive apnea. These include:

  • Being overweight or obese – Excess body weight can put you more at risk of having the sleep disorder – obstructive apnea, as the excess fat (particularly around your throat) can cause obstructions to your airways. To lower your risk of having OSA, it is advised that you live a healthy lifestyle and consider adapting a new nutritious diet and exercise routine into your lifestyle.
  • You have a family history of OSA – If sleep apnea runs in your family and you are suffering from symptoms of OSA, then you should take an apnea test immediately to make sure that if you also have OSA, you can order a CPAP machine and get treated effectively.
  • If you are a smoker, you are putting yourself at risk of experiencing respiratory problems including obstructive sleep apnea. Visit your GP to get help and support to quit smoking.

Apnea testing in the UK

If you have used our apnea symptom checker above and are concerned that you might be at risk of OSA, then it is advisable that you speak to your GP about your symptoms. Your GP can confirm your symptoms and either refer you to your local hospital for a sleep study, or suggest that you go privately to speed up the process depending on how severe your condition is and how it is effecting your everyday life.

Usually most NHS driven sleep centres/hospitals in the UK will have long waiting lists as there are thousands of undiagnosed sufferers conducting sleep studies all year round, however the wait is worthwhile and if the apnea test confirms your condition, you will be provided with a suitable CPAP machine and mask. Unfortunately, you might have little to no say in which equipment you receive, although the equipment will be recommended to you by your sleep study nurse.

Alternatively, a very popular choice is to go privately if you’re local NHS sleep centre/hospital have long waiting lists. Suffering with OSA can have a major impact on the quality of your life and also cause long term health risks if left untreated. Going privately will end up costing you a few hundred pounds, but it does speed up the process dramatically from a few months of suffering to being diagnosed and receiving treatment within a two week period. You will also be able to choose a suitable CPAP machine and mask to suit your needs.