Treatment for sinus and nasal discomfort with your CPAP

Woman walking in a park

Last updated on July 7th, 2023 at 10:34 am

If you regularly suffer from sinus problems and nasal congestion, you might find sticking to your CPAP routine more of a challenge.

Over 30% of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea patients suffer from sinus problems. Almost 75% of regular sinus pain sufferers experience recurring symptoms, which come back at least a few times a year. That is why it is no surprise that 1 in 10 sufferers get sinus pain more than once a week.

For helpful sinus and nasal discomfort advice, continue reading.

How to treat your sinus pain?

One of the most recommended forms of treatment for sinus pain and nasal congestion is the use of nasal irrigation. It has been around for years and has helped many sufferers control their sinus and nasal problems.

The SinuPulse Elite is the leading solution for nasal congestion. It offers the most convenient and comprehensive solution to sinus problems.

How does the SinuPulse work?

The SinuPulse Elite works by flushing out your nasal passages. This removes any bacteria and mucus that cause such problems while reducing any inflammation.

The pulsating simple-to-use mechanism makes nasal irrigation very advanced. It is a quick and comfortable process and more effective than ever before.

Does the SinuPulse Elite act as a long-term treatment, as well as an immediate treatment?

The SinuPulse Elite not only provides the user with fast short-term relief but also long-term protection as well.

Natural sinus pain relief tips

Below is a list of top tips for preventing sinus pain and nasal congestion throughout the Summer.

  • Pollen can trigger congestion  Pollen is a top concern in the summer for those prone to allergies or hay fever. It is almost impossible to avoid and harmless for many, but for those who suffer, it can get the best of us. It can cause nasal congestion, watery, itchy eyes, and sneezing. Pollen is in the air we breathe, which is why it is unfortunately impossible to avoid entirely. However, it is recommended that if you suffer from hay fever, allergies or sinus problems, you try to avoid staying outside in the early hours. This is because pollen in the air is at its peak during the early hours!
  • Be cautious of chlorine – Considering booking a summer getaway with a great indoor swimming pool? However nice it is to jump into a nice heated indoor pool, it is not that great for your sinuses. The chlorine does, unfortunately, contribute to your sinus problems. If you spend lots of time in the pool each summer, you might want to opt for a nose clip. A nose clip will offer some form of protection against your sinuses. On the other hand, un-chlorinated water, such as natural lakes and oceans, poses little threat to your sinuses. For this reason, you might want to explore the great outdoors later in the day when pollen is not at its peak!
  • Avoid diving – The pressure against your nose could contribute to your sinus pain!
  • Stay hydrated – It is vital that you keep hydrated throughout the summer by drinking plenty of water. Keeping hydrated will make your mucus thinner and flow more smoothly, preventing nasal congestion.

Once you are aware of these natural summer tips to avoid nasal congestion, you are halfway to preventing your sinus and nasal issues! 

How can I obtain a SinuPulse Elite?

The SinuPulse Elite is a very effective solution for nasal and sinus problems caused by colds, blocked noses, allergies, sinusitis and post-nasal drip. To find out more about the SinuPulse Elite, you can click here.

Contact us if you need any advice regarding your CPAP therapy.