Last updated on July 7th, 2023 at 01:10 pm
An at-home sleep study is more or less essential for those who have lasted their patience with untreated OSA symptoms. If you have constantly been feeling tired, irritable, and your partner has noticed that you have been choking during your sleep, then you are highly at risk of having OSA.

You can either conduct a sleep study through the NHS by booking an initial appointment with your GP, or you can order a confidential at-home sleep study privately for fast results.
Understandably, the first port of call when experiencing a health concern is to book an appointment with your GP to discuss your symptoms. Going through the NHS is of course a free option. It is advisable to book an appointment with your GP, as they will be able to tell you if the symptoms you are suffering are typically of someone with sleep apnoea. The kinds of symptoms your GP will be looking out for are whether you’re a loud snorer, whether you wake up in the night choking or gasping for breath, whether you are suffering from depression and changes in mood, and whether you are constantly feeling tired during the day, even if you appear to have had a great night’s sleep.
How does an at-home sleep study work?
Once you have decided that you want to conduct a sleep study privately, then you will need to decide which results you require; whether a simple analysis confirming your OSA, or a more detailed analysis assessing other respiratory data channels, as well as confirming your condition.
If you need help deciding, you can read the sleep study advice page for more information.
Simple oximetry sleep study
If you just want a quick confirmation that you have OSA, then the simple, oximetry sleep study is for you. The oximetry test monitors your heart rate and blood oxygen levels throughout the night. This mainly consists of a finger probe, which can sit on the middle or index finger, whichever is most comfortable throughout the night.
Included in the kit is an oximetry finger probe, surgical tape, and a sterilising wipe.
You will need to fill in and return the medical questionnaire supplied with the study.
In-Depth multi channel sleep study
If you want thorough results confirming your diagnosis of OSA, then the multi-channel sleep study is for you. This is a respiratory study, which additionally monitors your body position, chest resistance and respiratory flow. This provides you with a more in-depth analysis of your breathing at night.
Included in the kit are a variety of sensors, along with the main recording device. You will also receive a disposable cannula which is fully adjustable and will fit any facial variation. All the sensors connect directly to the main device.
You will need to fill in and return the medical questionnaire supplied with the study.
Placing your order online
Once you have decided which sleep study you would like to conduct, you can then place your order online. Either option will provide you results in 5-7 days after receiving the sleep study back. Once you have confirmed your OSA, you will then be sent written results in the post, with suitable therapy options. If you would like to talk through your results, you can call 0800 024 8050 and one of the OSA customer care team will be more than happy to comfort you with your decision.
Are there certain factors that could make me more at risk of having sleep apnoea?
There are certain factors that could put you at more risk of having obstructive sleep apnoea. These include carrying excessive weight, smoking, alcohol consumption, a narrowed airway, ageing, allergies and/or nasal congestion, enlarged tonsils, and having a family history of OSA. The ratio of men to women having OSA is 2:1, however it is important to remember whatever gender has the sleep apnea, both people in the relationship are likely to suffer if left untreated. This statistic can also mislead women in to thinking that the probability suggests they are not likely to be at risk, although this is very untrue. Men, women and children can suffer from OSA, so if you suffer any of the common symptoms, then a sleep study should never be overruled.
Generally, the quicker you get diagnosed, then the quicker you will receive treatment and put yourself at lower risk of future health problems. However, if you spend many nights pondering on whether your symptoms might be sleep apnea, then it is worth either booking an appointment with your GP, or by contacting a leading CPAP supplier who can guide you on whether a sleep study would be suitable for your symptoms. You can also read this advice page on whether an at-home sleep study would be suitable for you.
When our sleep becomes affected, it tends to affect every area of our life in terms of mood, general health and work life. The at-home sleep studies mentioned above are only for those people who believe they might have sleep apnoea, due to the fact they are suffering from the symptoms above. The sleep studies are not aimed at other sleeping disorders other than sleep apnoea so if you suffer other sleeping symptoms, then it is advised that you talk them through with your GP first.