Last updated on July 7th, 2023 at 01:14 pm
If you believe you might be suffering from OSA symptoms, then you will be pleased to know that you can usually treat your OSA effectively. The most common form of treatment for OSA is CPAP Therapy. To obtain a CPAP machine, you must first confirm your diagnosis, by taking a sleep study!

In order to be treated for sleep apnea, you first you need to determine if you are at risk. Below, you can find a full list of symptoms to look out for, that might suggest you are suffering from OSA!
- Excessive daytime sleepiness
- Loud snoring
- Observed periods of breathing cessation during sleep
- Choking in sleep
- Morning headaches
- Experiencing mood changes, such as depression or irritability
- Difficulty staying asleep
- Having a high blood pressure
- Abrupt awakenings accompanied by shortness in breath
- Awakening with a dry mouth or sore throat
- Difficulty concentrating during the day
If you suffer from one or more of the symptoms above, then you might be at risk of OSA. Sleep studies should be conducted to confirm your diagnosis of OSA. Sleep studies are required if you want to obtain a CPAP machine to treat your symptoms.
How can I obtain a CPAP machine?
There are two ways to go about obtaining a CPAP machine. You can either go privately, or through the NHS.
Both options have there advantages and disadvantages, so we have summarised below what they consist of.
I would like to obtain a sleep study through the NHS. How can I be referred?
To obtain a sleep study through the NHS, you will need to first book an appointment to see your GP. On this initial appointment with your GP, you can discuss what symptoms are bothering you, and address your concerns that you might be suffering from OSA. Your doctor will then be able to refer you to your local sleep clinic. If you are eligible, you will be provided with free CPAP treatment, to relieve your OSA symptoms.
Advantages of conducting a sleep study through the NHS:
- You save expenses. Going through the NHS means that you save up to hundreds of pounds in costs.
- You are guided through the sleep study process when going with the NHS.
Disadvantages of conducting a sleep study through the NHS:
- The process can take several months.
- A referral might require several visits to your GP before being issued.
- Requires the patient to stay overnight in a sleep study unit.
- Results can take a long time to process.
I would like to obtain a sleep study privately. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going privately?
To obtain a sleep study privately, you can first choose an at-home sleep study supplier, such as You can then choose whether you would like a Finger Pulse Oximetry study or a Multi Channel sleep study.
Finger Pulse Oximetry Sleep Study
The at-home, finger pulse oximetry sleep study is usually enough to confirm your OSA diagnosis. If however you have a BMI under 25, or above 40, then you would need to enquire about the Multi-Channel Respiratory Sleep Study instead.
Finger Pulse Oximetry Studies can monitor your heart rate and blood oxygen levels throughout the night, in order to detect any apnoeas or hypopneas occurring.
Multi Channel Sleep Study
Multi Channel Sleep Studies are required if you have a BMI under 25, or above 40. A majority of people prefer to take this form of sleep study as it provides them with more detailed results. The Multi Channel Sleep Study monitors your heart rate and blood oxygen levels, as well as your body position, chest resistance and respiratory flows. This forms a more in-depth analysis of your sleep.

Advantages of conducting a sleep study privately:
- Fast turnaround. Sleep studies are sent out for next day delivery. This means that you can conduct your sleep study usually the next day of ordering. Once you have conducted your overnight sleep study in the privacy of your own home, you can send it back to the supplier using the free-post returns label. Results are provided within 10-14 days.
- Once you have confirmed your diagnosis of OSA, you can then obtain a CPAP machine. Your ordering information will already be on file, so you can skip the process of having to scan in your documentation and then send it to your chosen CPAP supplier.
- You can always call up on 0800 024 8050, before ordering your CPAP machine. A friendly team will always be willing to answer any calls and answer any of your burning questions.
Disadvantages of conducting a sleep study privately:
- Sleep studies start from around £100. They provide quick results in the comfort of your own home, but that does come with a cost.
If I conduct a sleep study which confirms I have OSA, then what treatment should I choose?
A CPAP machine is the most recommended therapy to treat sleep apnoea. CPAP machines are designed to keep your airways open at night and help you breathe. Most sufferers of sleep apnoea tend to go for CPAP therapy as it is a very effective option, however it does require long term treatment and works best if used every night.
Those who have been diagnosed with sleep apnoea, should talk to their GP every 5 years to see if a follow-up sleep study would be necessary. Furthermore, you may also like to purchase one privately after 5 years to keep on track of your apnoeas. You might also like to retake a sleep study if you lose weight, gain weight or have a change in health. This is because your fixed pressure machine might need adjusting if your apnoea events change over the several years of having the CPAP machine.
You may also decide that you want to try out the latest machines after a few years of having your CPAP machine as they become increasingly more advanced and technological. Keep up to date with the latest machines, with the most popular machines listed at the top of the page, in order of preference- CPAP machines.
Whilst using CPAP therapy, you should also remain a healthy lifestyle. Try to maintain a regular sleeping pattern because when your body gets into a customary sleeping cycle, you will find that you begin experiencing a better nights sleep. Studies have shown that apnea episodes decrease when a person is not sleep deprived or stressed out.
It is also advised that you try to sleep on your side when you go to sleep at night, as this allows to keep the airways straight. When you sleep on your back, you are more prone to snoring as your airways become blocked. It is suggested that you place something to stop you from rolling on your back during sleep, such as a pillow or extra duvet.
If you are a smoker, this can cause damage to your airways, therefore making the severity of your Sleep Apnea worse. You should try your best to quit smoking. Stopping smoking can reduce your risk of sleep apnoea, with improvements to your sleep in several days.
If you are overweight, you need to try to maintain a healthy eating routine and exercise regularly to lose the excess weight. This is also a common contributor to having Sleep Apnea as the excess fat causes blockage to your airways.
A sleep study is needed to purchase any CPAP equipment so make sure you take a sleep study if you are suffering typical OSA symptoms. You have the option to go privately, or alternatively, it is worth making an appointment to talk to your GP.