NEW – DreamWear Nasal CPAP Mask

Last updated on July 7th, 2023 at 01:37 pm

Today’s blog is going to be dedicated to another of our newest and most innovative products within CPAP therapy – the DreamWear Nasal mask.

The DreamWear is designed so CPAP users feel like they are not wearing a mask at all. It’s under-the-nose-design, prevents red marks, discomfort or irritation to the bridge of the nose, and to the nostrils.

The DreamWear combines a nasal and pillow mask, which enables CPAP users to gain the best of both worlds, within one mask.

The DreamWear has an extremely clever design, different to most other CPAP masks on the market, where the tubing is connected at the top of the CPAP users head. This gives CPAP users, supreme freedom and comfort, and the ability to sleep in any position.

The DreamWear also is designed with a super soft, flexible silicone frame and fabric wraps for a super soft touch on the CPAP user’s cheek.

It will fit all CPAP machines, hoses and accessories – so why not give this new mask a go – and feel as if you’re to wearing a mask at all!

More information about the DreamWear, and many other masks can be found on our website:

Sleep well!